Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kia Ora. (Welcome/Hello)

I believe there's been some sort of mistake. It seems as though we've been shipped to Florida instead of our original destination. There's palm trees growing in the yard next door and all along the roads, the beach is just steps away from our house, and it's sunny as all get out.

Kiwis are probably the friendliest people I've ever met. People are happy to give a friendly hello and seem to actually care about each other.

Wainui beach is quite incredible. Nothing but white sand and surfers. From what I've heard it's the best surfing beach in town, so it gets a little busy at times, but it's not been too bad yet. (Probably because it's still "early spring," [aka summer,] and no Kiwis will touch the water without a wetsuit and a surfboard.)

"You Canadians are thick," ~ our house manager, Ivan, after hearing that Steven and I went into the water in just our "Togs" ( swimsuits)

You can email (Carson,) for our phone number if you want it, but we still haven't really figured out how long distane phoning works here. If you phone us, though, that shouldn't be a problem.

We do have Skype, and again, you can email us for our username.

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