Friday, January 22, 2010

Holiday houses

Mark's done an amazing job of trip planning. We've stayed in some amazing "holiday homes". Our favourite was the one near Christchurch, which featured 2 bedrooms, two bathrooms, bath robes, crisp white linen, a very modern kitchen and a hot tub!

Grey, Grey, Grey

That's 4 days of grey and rain so far.

Boulders at Moteuka

On to Omaru

A pretty little town with lots of historical buildings near the waterfront. We also saw the most incredible art gallery in an old restored bank.


Christchurch Cathedral

We love this city! It's full of character and history, lots of hustle and bustle and beautiful buildings. I wish we could have attended a service at the cathedral. It was so stunning.

Another stop!!

It's a good thing I'm doing some of the driving on this holiday, otherwise Mark would just blast past some of these great spots. Traveling is all about the destination for him. I'm more about the journey. The boys . . . they have to choose sides and take votes on our squabbles. It's ok though. We're still hanging in together.

Road to Kaikoura

The weather changed as we headed to Kaikoura. A deep misty fog. We stopped at the side of the road to watch a seal colony hanging out on the rocks

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kairuru Farm

The 3rd place we stayed at was the spectacular Kairuru farm. The Abel Tasman trail was in view from our cottage, and the morning we left "The Shearing of the Sheep" took place. Very amusing. The sheep were dragged on their behinds to be sheared, all the while with an indignant expression on their faces. After our experience there, we headed to Kaikoura...

Nelson & the Abel Tasman

We stayed a night in Nelson and then made the short drive to the start of the Abel Tasman "great walk". We only did a day hike -- you could spend days. Spectacular coast track, easy walking and beach views.

South Island Trip

Hi all, it's been a while since we blogged -- not much new going on back home. But, here we are on our South Island adventure. Lots of places to see, and things to explore. The 3 hour ferry ride was nauseating (literally) -- sailing conditions were 'heavy'. I was grumpy. But we arrived in Picton, and all was well.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Thanks to Marty, Carson has drums to practise on. Good thing they are electronic -- it's a small house.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looks like Todd was having almost as much fun as the kids! Well, ok, it looks like Todd was having more fun than the kids.
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Painting in the Vineyard


Mark joined other artisans and set up a booth at a local vineyard. Live art, live music, good food and delicious coffee.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Drum Kit!

I, (Carson), have access to a drum kit!!
Our friend from church has lent me his electric kit to use, and I'm ecstatic. I'll put pictures of me smiling and playing drums later on.

Cheerfully yours,
