Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good bye Wainui

A picture of our last walk on the beach. OK, a little staged, I admit. We just didn't have any pictures of the whole family together. We headed to the Gisborne Airport at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon. There were probably 20 people there to send us off. Our first 2 flights were uneventful, and right now we are sitting in the LA airport. Only 2 short flights to go, and we'll be home. Wow. Can't believe it -- feels completely surreal -- our New Zealand adventure is done

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting Ready to go Home

Well, we are seriously starting to get ready to come home. The Camry is sold. Thankfully, the friends who are buying it are happy for us to use it until we leave. Blessings! I'll be wrapping things up at work the next week and a half, Mark will be packing up his paintings to ship home next week, and we have to sell the few housewares we bought here. Packing won't be too difficult. Two big bags each and two carry-ons and we'll be done. Just 2 1/2 weeks. I can't believe it.
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Turkey Shoot

The boys had a chance to go hunting at a friends farm and wild turkey breast was on the menu tonight. Mmmmm.